We share with you, once again, the scores of this year’s Peñín Guide. Getting our “north star”; Artizar 2017 Mg the highest score for a Txakoli, with 96 points and on the other hand, great recognition to all our Txakolis. We continue!!
New vintage Itsasmendi 7 2020 goes on the market
Harvest that we will remember for a long time due to the start of COVID due to confinement, the closure of the hospitality industry and the strict protocol that we had to carry out in the middle of the harvest with the entire field and winery work team. Within the “Itsasmendi 7 Bilduma” project, which […]
The scores of the Guia Peñin 2021
The Peñín Guide scores undoubtedly convey the challenge of our winery to acquire a notorious level of excellence in each and every one of our Txakolis.The zoonification of our vineyards by countries, municipalities, places and unique vineyards allow us to improve the quality of the grape production each year and with it, that of our […]
New space Itsasmendi
We bring you another video so you can see, what we are already visualizing with great affection, a new space that represents our philosophy of doing, of thinking, that of value to the work that each one of us always carries out in the key of humility, respect for the environment, cooperation and where we […]